Utility Rebates
Utility Rebates are generally funded from a pool of monies collected by the Local Utility Company, and can be found in nearly every state. These funds are collected by the Local Utility Company adding a surcharge on your monthly energy bill. This charge is usually located in the tax section of your bill, and is usually charged as a percentage of your total bill. This charge usually shows up as a line item on your utility bill and is often titled “Public Purpose Program” or “Public Program.” Once collected, these funds are held in a “public trust fund” or “conservation program fund”, and are dispersed by the utility companies with approval from the state’s Public Utility Commission (P.U.C.). This type of program is almost always mandated by the governing state’s P.U.C..
We guarantee that you won’t find a higher rebate for your job!
At PY Proconsult, Inc. it’s our primary objective to always be informed of rebates programs in your area in order to best serve your needs. As a result we are able to provide you with the highest rebates available AND the most advanced technology in order to create the greatest saving!
APS is proud to say that we are on the cutting edge of matching rebates programs with technology in order to provide YOU with the best energy saving solution for your business.